The typical Bolivian Ram size when fully grown is around 3 inches in length. Males can get slightly larger and reach sizes of about 3.5 inches. On the other hand, female specimens usually don't reach 3 inches at all. They often stay closer to 2.5 inches.
Suitable companion fishes should be selected keeping in mind that these are not robust cichlids and will fail to thrive in the company of fast, greedy feeders or overly aggressive fishes. Some of the best companion fishes include rummy-nose tetras, hatchetfishes, pencilfishes and some of the more warth-loving Corydoras species.
The Bolivian ram is significantly easier to keep and breed than its Venezuelan counterpart, M. ramirezi. It readily accepts almost all aquarium-offered fare and does not appear to require live food to thrive. While still not as popular as its better-known cousin, it is gaining popularity with cichlid-keepers on the basis that one gets all the drama and most of the vibrant colour in an easier to manage package.
Source: The Cichlid room companion.
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