Crossocheilus oblongusis The Siamese algae-eater is a species of freshwater fish in the carp family, Cyprinidae. This bottom-dwelling tropical fish is found in mainland Southeast Asia, including the Chao Phraya and Mekong basins as well as the Malay Peninsula.
The Siamese algae-eater has a black horizontal stripe extending from nose to end of tail. The stripe can quickly fade to camouflage the fish against its surroundings, which is observed during fights or stress. Siamese algae-eaters can grow up to 15 centimetres (6 inches) within two years, and live for over 10 years in optimal conditions. They are valued in the aquarium trade for being the only known fish species to consume red algae, including ‘black brush’ or ‘beard’ algae. Source: Wikipedia.
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